Tenders Published*

Largest Contracts*

Largest contracts by value since 08/09/2023
Last Updated : 07/09/2024
81.93 % of total contract value*
All Contracts

Largest Procuring Entities*

Procuring entities with most published tenders since 08/09/2023.
Last Updated : 07/09/2024
27.42% of total tenders published*
All Procuring Entities

Largest Suppliers*

Suppliers by number of tenders awarded since 08/09/2023.
Last Updated : 07/09/2024
7.57 % of total contract value*
All Suppliers

Largest Procurement Categories*

Top procurement categories by tenders published since 08/09/2023.
Last Updated : 08/09/2024
57 % of total contract value*
All Categories

Download Procurement Data

Detailed monthly data for public procurement via eTender portal can be downloaded in Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) compliant CSV, JSON and Excel formats. Data is available from May 2021 and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0 License.


Versioned procurement data in Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) compliant format is also available via a JSON REST API for consumption by tools such as PowerBI, Tableau and QlikView. The API specification is available in OpenAPI format.
Open API Specification

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*Only includes a subset of public procurement data captured on eTender.Read more about the published data.